Controlled depth knife is mainly used for a precise depth first scleral incision (initial groove) while using the small incision cataract surgery (SICS) or the phacoemulsification (Phaco) technique for the cataract surgery of the eye. Controlled depth knife is also used for making the clear cornea groove incision and limbal relaxation incision (LRI). Precise incision helps improve the surgical outcome for the patient by reducing the recovery time and causing less post-operative trauma.

Our Sharpedge brand Controlled Depth knives are manufactured using imported surgical grade stainless steel material. They offer reliable depth options ranging from 300 Microns to 600 Microns. This gives the surgeon the flexibility to choose the appropriate depth that suits his/her surgical technique. Controlled Depth knives are only available in Slimline.

Slimline knives are made from finer, pre-hardened stainless steel strips. The handles are designed in such a way that they considerably reduce the use of stainless steel material. Slimeline offers best value for money. Our Controlled Depth knives come with a round tip design having 1.5 mm diameter. The unique straight handle design of the Controlled Depth knife acts as a guard and a reference to set the appropriate depth during the manufacturing process. By design our Controlled Depth knives offer a preset depth. They come in 300 Micron, 350 Micron, 400 Micron, 450 Micron, 500 Micron, 550 Micron and 600 Micron variants. The 300 Micron or 350 Micron Controlled Depth knives are ideally suitable for the first scleral incision. The 550 Micron or 600 Micron Controlled Depth knives are ideally suitable for the limbal relaxation incision (LRI).

Controlled Depth knives are packed as:

Sterile Full Handled knives: These convenient to use ETO sterile knives come fixed with a polycarbonate handle and are ready to use.

Sharpedge Controlled Depth knives Market: We cater to the Indian domestic market and also export our knives mainly to the European Union and other Asian countries.

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